Wednesday, July 2, 2008

[BONUS UPDATE] The Fate of #96 Squashed Skull

On September 7th, 2007 my skull for the day was a carved acorn squash: 96. Squash(ed) Skull

A few days later I posted a picture of it as it had aged:

Here's what happened after that:
As the squash continued to age it was getting softer and starting to grow mold so I decided to put it in the oven on the lowest setting and help it dry out. Everything went well for a few days of this, until someone who was unaware of the drying process decided to preheat the oven for some baking and burnt the little fellow to a crisp. Happily it was discovered before it was entirely destroyed, but the result was a little more toasty than originally planned...

It's now about 2 x 2 x 1.5in (5 x 5 x 4cm).


  1. Wow! the second image is even better than the first :-D

    To bad about the backing thing though

  2. the baking miscommunication make it totally gnarly. very nice chance of fate.

  3. the baking miscommunication turned out way gnarly. very choice.

  4. I actually like the evolution of the skull with even the baked version as it looks so much like the actual aged skulls.

    This one would be wonderful in an animated version. Peace and many blessings, Annie
