Friday, June 23, 2017

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Happy Skull Appreciation Day!

10 years ago today, I made a tiny orange paper skull that started a chain reaction that completely transformed my life! 

The Skull-A-Day project was a simple idea, meant to boost me out of a creative rut that I'd fallen into. I never expected it would lead me to a new career, opportunities to travel the world, multiple book deals, opportunities to show my art in museums and galleries internationally, and even a visit to The Martha Stewart show. I still get opportunities almost daily related to the project. 10 years of dividends on a 1 year investment is pretty amazing. All of this is the reason I consistently encourage others to take on the daily creative challenge. Even as small a commitment as 30-days is enough to create major changes in people's lives.

Please join me in celebrating our craniums today by taking a moment to do one little creative act and sharing it with the world, you never know where it will lead!

If you're a longtime fan of the project I'd love to hear from you below (when did you find it? how did it inspire you?).

If you're up for a bigger challenge why not make your own 30-days of skulls starting today. If you share it with the #CreativeSprint & #SkullADay hashtags I'll track you down and give you a prize!

p.s. I'll be re-sharing the first 30 days of the project, starting today on Tumblr, Instagram, Facebook & Twitter