Monday, June 18, 2007

15. Found Skull: "Free"

Do you remember that Tootsie Roll commercial where everything became a Tootsie Roll? I'm starting to have that experience with skulls now. I swear I see them everywhere.

Remnants of a sticker on a newspaper box at a rest stop on 95 North just south of Washington D.C. and below, my interpretation.
Why is the skull crying?


  1. I believe we are witnessing tears of joy.

    This skull has clearly just looked at the Cutest Skull Ever.

  2. You have got me doing it, too. I swear I saw a skull made out of chewing gum squished into the sidewalk in NYC today.

  3. I don't know about a skull, but did you guys see the walking hotdog? I'm sorry it's a walking organic soydog.

  4. The skull is made of bird poo. I'd be crying, too.

  5. Nevermind - sticker remnants. Gotcha.

  6. because he was stuck in I-95 traffic.
