Sunday, July 15, 2007

42. Skull Actors Headshots Flyer

Modified flyer on newspaper box, Broadway below 14th St., NYC. I couldn't help myself those tear-offs just looked like teeth to me.


  1. Seems like someone is amassing a collection of "free" boxes... I smell a sequel!

    Curse you for blurring out the studio numbers. I was hoping to get some professional head shots the next time I was in town. All that? On a CD? $200.00? What a bargain!

    Just wondering did anyone even look twice when you pulled out your knife and began gettin' all Edward Scissorhands on that flyer?

  2. Hi skull guy! This is Eliza's friend with the other 365 project. Your skulls are awesome. We should absolutely have a crossover day- I have never constructed a skull of any kind (especially not out of mini marshmallows and chocolate!) and would love to give it a go.

  3. Nope C, no one batted an eyelash. That's NYC for ya!

    Hey Jen, that would be awesome if you made a skull (mmmm mini marshmallows!), but what should I do? And on what day?

  4. How have I not found this blog before? I love it!

    Adding you to my roll :)

  5. The skull probably looks better than the actors did.

  6. OMG! Blog Trading Places?! what an awesome idea.
