Sunday, July 22, 2007

49. Rat Skull Print

Linocut print (4"x5"). I can't believe I've never worked in this medium before. I must have missed that day in art class.


  1. love it! Lino is one of my favorites.

  2. A "ratskeller" is a restaurant under the town hall (or meeting place below street level.) Das Momentum setzt den Untergrund wird blasoniert fort. Uhr für das Zeichen!

  3. Me too! I loved making linos in art skool - I even made a skull one once for a halloween party invite...Very satisfying feeling and they turn out great. an other nice one, No-ers!

  4. I love rats as well as skulls! They make the cutest pets.

    But yeah, even I've worked with lino, and I dropped art after 8th grade (it was compulsory until then).

  5. Hmmm, another nice Tat' image! Es muy Bueno!

  6. Creepy... Makes me flashback to Lovecraft's The Rats In The Walls... I'm traumatized by that one! Nice job!

  7. It makes me wonder if he got to eat the last bit of remaining flesh. Lucky Rat!

  8. i want that one too!

    me too!

    me too!


  9. Oh my God, I love this!
    I've been planning a tattoo for my leg for a while (I want to get a reaper/skeleton) and I'm also planning on getting a rat (I'm born in the year of). I was sure of what I want for the reaper, but not the rat. You've just given me a really perfect idea.
    I can't thank you enough.

  10. Neat!

    What do I have to do to get a print of this?

    This is my favorite skull print!

  11. Great image! I made it into a stencil and used it to print a t-shirt for my daughter.
    I have a picture of it at
