Saturday, August 11, 2007

69. (50) Art-O-Mat (Shrunken) Skulls

Sharpie Marker on Shrink Film [a.k.a. Shrinky Dinks] (edition of 50).

Custom Packaged as "Memento Mori" for the Art-o-Mat #1 of 50.

Today my task was to create an edition of 50 skulls to bring to the Art-O-Mat 10th Anniversary Celebration/Swap Meet next Saturday in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Art-O-Mats are recycled cigarette vending machines that have been converted to dispense art. The brainchild of N.C. artist Clark Whittington, there are now over 80 Art-O-Mats throughout the US and even a few overseas. If you're going to be in or near Winston-Salem on the 18th of August, stop by the event, which is free to the public, and will be held at SECCA from 1-4:30. This may be your only chance to get one of these limited edition beauties.

P.S. Thanks to Phil for reminding me of the awesome term "memento mori"!


  1. oh mi oh mi I WANT one, real bad, and since we're sharing a table at the art-o-mat swap meet....

  2. Hey!
    I love these sooooo much, I hope we can swap on Saturday. I'm a skull person and will have my skull plushies (SkullShie's) at the meet. (Though my art-o-art is adoptable "Plushie Pet Rocks")

    Can't wait to meet you!

    The PettiCoat Pirate

  3. OMG!!!!!! I am literally speechless - we "do" shrinky dinks all the time at Windows!!! Makes me want to fly to North Carolina next weekend cause I want one so bad - but alas I cannot...

  4. I want a SkullShie! I look forward to meeting/trading with you Windy!

  5. I'm extremely proud that we have an Art-o-Mat here in Madison, Wisco. Just wish ours had some of your neat-o new skull necklaces.


    Sally J.
    The Practical Archivist

  6. awww, I wish I could get one of those!

  7. I <3 the Art-O-Mat...That's awesome you're involved in it. I also heart your blog. Your skulls are sweet. Unfortunately, my "local" Art-O-Mat is about an hour or so away, so I won't be holding my breath expecting to get one of your shrunken skulls. You ought to put 'em up for sale on etsy or eBay or something, so the rest of us who aren't in your area can get our hands on one!

  8. If any are left over after the event I'll bring them back and find a way to share them with you guys! But don't hold your breath for a second batch, I've got too many other skulls to make first!

  9. love the skulls. very cool! Mayhap i can trade for one, i'll be at the swap w/ some Limited Edition Collapsible Fine Art Prints fresh of the silk-screen!
