Sunday, August 12, 2007

70. Shoelace Skull

Arranged Found Shoelace. One of the things about this project is that I end up doing stuff I definitely wouldn't normally do, like touching a dirty bit of a shoelace in the parking lot of the restaurant where I ate brunch today. I got a few weird looks, but one of the kitchen staff came out, took a look at what I was doing and decided he needed a picture too!...


  1. I like the way that the shoelace skull fills the kitchen guy's shadow's head in that second picture -- as if it's his shadow's skull.

  2. You know, I was going to comment on that, too...the skull in his shadow head. Very cool. I love that the worker wanted to take a photo, also. Did he say anything, like, "cool!"

  3. hey, i found this blog about two days ago :) i just wanted to say that this is a neat project, and also that i need to start carrying a camera or something, lol. i went to the mall earlier today and someone had put two very nice flaming-skull stickers on their truck's bug deflector thingy. wish i could share it with you all.

  4. I love getting my mind blown each day by your creativity. Thanks for the daily dose of varied and unpredictable art!!

  5. I marvel at how you use so many materials to make a skull. Totally coo.

  6. the best kind of recycling!!!!

    I love that you used a found item in a parking lot to make art!

    what an honor for a shoelace....

