Thursday, September 20, 2007

109. Jumbo Lace Skull

Arranged Lace (4ft x 5ft [1.2m x 1.5m]). I visited the super cool Etsy Labs in NYC today and met a bunch of the awesome creative people that work there. They gave me free reign to create a skull out of whatever was at hand. I chose to tear into a giant bag of lace remnants and create this jumbo skull on one of their work tables. They filmed the process and interviewed me, so expect to see this on their site in the near future! Thanks again to everyone there for the fun visit! Find out more about Etsy Labs HERE.


  1. Sweet! My secret connection at Etsy told me you were in the house today.

  2. The 3/4 to the right seems to be your signature skull.

    This one looks like some frilly fun.

  3. nice blog! I want to share with you some photo art work I made... some skulls made with photos of body parts and tatoos. hope you like it. greetings from Mexico city. Julio

  4. Yay for girly skulls! I can't wait to see your interview on Etsy.

  5. I didn't realize I had a signature skull, wow!

  6. LOVE this one!!!!

    definitely one of my favorites!

    can't wait to see the video!

