Monday, September 24, 2007

113. Skull Pick

Guitar Pick Carved with Dremel Tool. I found the pick in a bar in NYC the other night.


  1. Okay, that's just awesome. I've been watching these for a while and love the ideas. This one really blew me a way, that's some pretty tiny detail.

  2. Damn. I can't even get my nails painted properly and you've made this!

  3. haha just as im playing guitar with a yellow pick
    and just a random question, where do you put all these skulls?

  4. Thanks guys.

    Mike: Most of them are stored in a file cabinet or on display in my house. Some of them were temporary or left at the locations where I made them so they only exist as photos now.

  5. Wow I can't believe that happened on the first try, I would have wrecked at least a dozen picks. Nice work.

  6. This one is really cool. Every time I think a skull is great you out do yourself. I guess the sky's the limit - or rather the skull's the limit.

  7. The perfect tool for when you really want to pick your brain or someone else's.


  8. That's freakin awesome! Totally blows my Clapton pick away... LOL.

  9. Hells yes! How thick is it? Is it still good as a plectrum, or is it strictly art now?

  10. It's probably still functional, but might not last through heavy use. I'm not a guitar player, so I'm not sure what weight it is. Can anyone tell based on the color?

  11. Colour is only an indicator for some brands, I think it differs for each brand, and I can't even see what brand it is. :P

  12. Amazing, Noah.

    Looks like a medium pick to me.

    So, what can i make for you to get that pick?


  13. Excellent job on that(like all your others). Looks like it would have been a pretty tedious job.

  14. you are a rock star...
    te he.

    today's word:
    glsjk - ancient norse, rough translation -- "the deep ones"

  15. Thanks everyone!

    Grá: You'll have to wait for a while, I'm planning to have an exhibition of the pieces when everything is done!

  16. Wow -- this one is awesome. I just came across your site through etsy on myspace. My 5 y.o. son loves skulls and I showed him the video clip. We've gone through your blog and he loves your stuff. He thinks you rock.
