Friday, September 28, 2007

117. Doily Skull A.K.A. Skoily

Cut Doilies (13" x 11"). I found these gold doilies in the back of a kitchen cabinet the other night. I have no idea why they were there.


  1. The skoily looks like a bunch of gears. Very neat. I'd like to find gold doilies in the back of my cabinet.

  2. I've noticed that a majority of your skull profiles look to the right. Is that intentional or not something you realized (until now, of course)?

  3. Nicely done. It looks steampunk!

  4. I have noticed that too DD and periodically I'll try to break the habit, but clearly it's my default direction. Maybe it has to do with the fact that I read left to right and so the face to the right is ostensibly looking forward.

  5. I am going to beat anonymous to the punch on this one:

    Maybe it has to do with your left wing liberal views. When you are stand that far left you can only look right.

    *** The above statement is made as a joke. It is not meant to disrespect our skullmaster or the wonderful daily diversion he provides us.

  6. Hey. This is such a fab idea. Would you mind if I wrote a post on my blog about your blog? (my blog is about artistic inspiration) :-)

  7. Ha, good point C, that's entirely possible!

    Of course April, post away!

  8. Perchance the skull facing-direction is because you are left-handed? And right-handers draw to the left, just because its easier to see. I think. Unless I have it backwards...

  9. Wow! I'm guessing the skoily is temporary -- not many people would have the patience to stitch them all together.

    I would be damn proud to serve a pot of tea on that massive doily. Particularly if it were from a skull pot. :D

  10. Good theory Hanako, but I'm right handed!

    Actually Kim, the magic of spray glue means that it is not temporary (though it is stuck to black cardboard)!

  11. They were there so that you could skullify them :)

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I am so inspired my your blog-that I am having a dia de la calavera for my art studio open house this month in my local neighborhood. Wish you could come- we're having Guiness chocolate skull cupcakes!
    It is so fun to see what you do everyday. I have a bar peanuts skull pic that I am trying to get to you--I am somewhat technology challenged--keep up the fun and imaginative stuff! thanks

  14. Whoa...fancy! Ha! I find this skull very humorous! Good one.

  15. Oh, I agree with Sarah, that would be a great shirt!

  16. That sounds amazing CKW! I wish I could be there too. Definitely send some pictures from it.

    Yes, I'll definitely include it as a future T-shirt voting option.

  17. I vote for this to be a t-shirt too!

    Too bad it is glued to cardboard - it would be cool to spray paint over it onto stuff - like t-shirts!

  18. can anyone tell if this is crocheted or tatted? i can crochet and tatt doilies and i can't find a pattern for this anywhere. but... i could probably figure it out if you could perhaps post a better picture, aka, better resolution?

  19. Actually it's neither, it was made with cut paper doilies, so you'd have to make up your own pattern if you wanted to actually create one with thread. I'd certainly like to see it if you figure it out!
