Sunday, October 7, 2007

126. Stained Glass Skull

Front Lit above and Back Lit below...

Stained Glass & Acrylic (Approx. 10" x 10"). I spent the weekend taking a stained glass making class and this is the result (and also the reason for yesterday's broken glass skull!). Thanks to my awesome teacher, Jude Schlotzhauer, for letting me go beyond the basics.

P.S. Be sure to check out Tiki Chris's 31 Days of Halloween Madness, which is currently in full-swing!


  1. Tiffany would'nt have made better ! I find this could majke a perfect design for a lamp (O|O)

  2. Yay! I like it when I wish for a skull and you make it! And it looks gorgeous -- I can't believe this was a "beginners" attempt, it's so detailed. Truly testament to your talent, if ever there was doubt.

  3. very churchy(not realy)
    but now we know why the glass fit together so well

  4. Stunning. Amazing too if you really are a beginner.

  5. Thanks guys! And yes, this really is the first time I've worked with stained glass.

  6. The teeth are great. Is that a sharpie, or did you actually get that effect with the leading?

  7. The teeth were done with acrylic paint, I was trying to emulate traditional stained glass in which figures had painted on features/details.

  8. OK, now you are just showing off!

  9. Cool! I was just thinking of stained glass after the broken glass one.

  10. You've actually made me want to drag out my stained glass stuff again. I may just have to attempt a lampshade.
