Thursday, October 4, 2007

Skull-A-Day on Etsy TV! (for real this time)

I had the terrific pleasure of visiting the Etsy Labs a few weeks back, where they filmed me making a skull, the results of which can now be seen below! Be sure to also check out Etsy's e-newsletter The Storque which has listed Skull-A-Day as a Recommended Blog today! A big thanks to Shannon, Vanessa, and Alison for their awesome work on this...


  1. Noah, you totally look like a pirate! heehee! :D

    Well done for becoming a YouTube star (if you're not already).

  2. now we all know what you look like, not saying anyones gonna stalk you or anything.....

  3. Maybe etsy will hire you are thier resident skull-blogger.?!

  4. Wow. GORGEOUS EYES. Yours, not the skull's.

  5. This is very well produced. Could Extreme Skull Makeover be far behind?

  6. Kim: Thanks, you made my day with the pirate comment!

    Mike: I guess I'll just have to trust you guys to be on your best behavior.

    Monkeygurrrrl: Aw shucks, thanks!

    Mica: I'd be open to the gig.

    Tim: Totally! Just waiting for a producer to call...

  7. Please, not if it's the kind of makeover that makes Noah look like Rick Genest, although that would qualify as "extreme".

  8. Better than I expected! Not that I expected something awful.

  9. Super cool. But what did you do with all that lace when you were done? Wrap it back up onto the spools?
