Monday, November 12, 2007

162. (Minty Fresh) Skullpaste

Knife Spread Toothpaste.


  1. How come when my kids paint in toothpaste it doesn't look anything like this?

  2. That looks great, I am sure death doesnt smell any sweeter this way ;)
    Gary M

  3. XD These ones remind me a bit of art attack when the guy made a picture out of something like cloth or drew it on a clouded window... and I remember him using salt on a black floor - have you tried that? I suppose you could use sand too.
    Anyway, it's really cool, I love the way you add tone and depth to your pieces. =]

  4. Your house must be a mess once you figure out what skull you want to do :)

  5. Oooh, great work. Maybe you should have used a brand with a little red coloring to it for that extra morbid touch? Or maybe that rainbow colored Aquafresh for something completely wacky.

  6. Love it.
    Of course, you could do the Virgin Mary in a hotel bathroom and it would become a shrine.

  7. I love debra kay's suggestion!

    This skull also make me think of glue, which naturally make me think of glitter. On the glue. :D

  8. Is the face on the side deliberate?

  9. Ha, nope it was a total random accident!
