Tuesday, December 11, 2007

191. 13 Line Skulls

Digital Gesture Drawing Using Computer Mouse. Each individual skull was drawn from life using a single line.


  1. that is crazy incredible!


  2. I've always loved line drawings. These are SO nice.

  3. I want to see this individually so I can fully appreciate them- can you post that? If you get the time to thanks!

  4. You are, as always, the coolest of the cool!

  5. oopsy. I wasn't signed in so blogger didn't recognize me. You're still the coolest...like I said a minute ago.

  6. Whoa! How long did this take? You probably whipped it out in like 2 minutes. I like the way you show all the different angles.

  7. Thanks everyone!
    Even though each individual one didn't take more than a few minutes to make, I did more than were shown here and then there was the process of arranging them, which I guess explains why this still took several hours to do!
    Thanks for you suggestion Hanako, I'm considering it...

  8. This needs to be a Tshirt. White lines on black. Now you have to do it!

  9. I would like to see this on a tshirt

  10. Received my shirt a few days ago. Thanks for sending! It's really incredible.

  11. right up my alley! i am fascinated by skulls and coincidentally the number 13 (a triskaidekaphile). i am an art, having shown in solo and group shows from coast to coast, almost 30 times over the past ten years. i am also the co-founder/co-owner of 'together gallery' (togethergallery.com)in portland, or, which after over two years is still highly successful (i since moved back east and was forced to leave it behind). anyway, i really dig your work, from what little i have seen and can even draw a few paralells between us in my own work. anyways, i am 'dana ehren spencer'on facebook and i'd be grateful to friend you, should you be interested and send a request. regardless, you are doing some really rad work and keep it pumping! peace.
