Friday, December 21, 2007

201. Tin Can Skull

Hammered, Bent, and Cut Tin Can. I only cut myself twice making this one.


  1. That brings to mind an idea for another tin can skull - fill an empty can with water and stick in freezer. When ice forms, take it out and use a hammer and awl to poke holes in the can in skull shape (ice keeps it from crushing). For more spooky fun, stick a candle inside and turn off the lights.

    I made a bunch of these one halloween though I didn't think of doing skull designs).

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks for the instructions nonlineargirl, I wondered how that was done!

    I believe there may actually be some there somewhere neuroticmeeps!

  4. I'm sorry to hear you cut yourself -- the perils of tin cans. At least it's recyclable.

    And I agree with nonlineargirl -- I think a candle would look hot (pardon the pun).

  5. Nice. We must all suffer a bit for our art.
