Monday, December 3, 2007


With today's post I've crossed the halfway mark on this project!

I've got big ideas for some of the remaining skulls, but I'm afraid I might not get 'em done without some help, so that's where you come in. I'll post these ideas periodically and see if any of you have the connections to help them become a reality. Helpers will definitely get some special Skull-A-Day treats to make it worth you while. So here are the first few to get us rolling...

1. Do you have access to X-ray or CAT Scan equipment (or something equivalent) and don't mind donating a scan to art? *To clarify I'd like to get a scan of my own head, but I'm not opposed to making something out of your x-rays as well!

2. Do you have access to the light switches in a tall office-type building and don't mind freaking out the neighbors for a night?

3. Are you in charge of a marching band and up for making art?

I will travel to make these happen, so don't hesitate to let me know even if you're not in my neck of the woods.



  1. My neighbor uses a type of ultrasound machine for heart scans. Maybe that helps? Good luck with the ideas.

  2. I would donate my CAT scans except I am obligated to return them to the medical facility since they claim it as their property.

  3. I have a bunch of films of scans of my head/brain, skull in profile. I bet I could scan one... let me know if this is what you're looking for.

  4. I have an xray machine and would be happy to donate a few films of a certain "subject" (me)! E m a i l me at k-y-r-o-g-u-y aaattt y0a0h0o0o0 dot com! and we can get it done. I will even ship the xrays my treat!

  5. btw, take the "-" out of the user name of the previous post. I think the rest otta be pretty self explanitory.

  6. i have a few sheets of scans of my neck and skull that i have held on to for art purposes but never used. i would be happy to give them a better life than my storage space if they would be useful.

  7. Thanks for the offers guys! I should have clarified, I'm looking to make a scan of my own head, but I'm totally willing to also make something out of donated X-rays as well!

  8. You could make a skull out of skull x-rays. I think I have some dental x-rays I could contribute for the teeth.

  9. Congratulations on the halfway mark. Queue cheesy Bon Jovi music...

    As for the X-rays: It might be cool to do both (ie: get one of your own head, then get a whole bunch of x-rays from users and make another mosaic.)

    Hmmm ... another random thought that came up while googling just now: How about taking a photo of a scull (as in the rowing boat)? Perhaps you could work on visualising the inherent pun...

  10. Thanks Kieran!

    Good suggestions Kieran and Tatman, I definitely might be doing one or two of them!

  11. My local chiropractor has a big xray thing, you might try to find a friendly chiro in your area...


  12. I'm not in charge of a marching band, but I have a friend who helps with one here in Reno, NV - want me to ask her about something? (I play in a 14-piece big band, anything we could do?)

  13. Search for X-ray on the yellow pages. I think you can get them from imaging centers without a prescription. No idea the cost though.

    They did this in the first Jackass movie, which a friend dragged me to go see in the theater. (Not my cup of tea!) ;-).

    As for marching bands, if you know any high school teachers, have them ask their music director. Most of them are pretty cool! It might be too late in the year to do this, though -- prime marching band practice time is early fall.

  14. I know of a marching band about an hour north of NYC who might be talked into this. Let me know...

  15. If it helps, I can use my psychic powers to control continental drift - but I only use it for VERY special occasions because it plum tuckers me out...

  16. for your project with a building, i could imagine that a dormitory of a university could have interested inhabitants. on a campus, there might be less neighbours to frighten too. maybe you find a marching band and an appropriate building at the same place :-)
    good luck

  17. dcb: Good suggestion, I'll have to ask around about that.

    Kate K.: I'd love if you'd pass a message along to your friend. They can contact me through the e-mail on the site. My idea involved marching, but I'm open to figuring out what a 14-piece non-marching group could do, maybe make an instrument skull? If I come to Reno we'll have to figure that out!

    Tim: Thanks for the advice!

    j.dávila: I'm intrigued! Let me know what I can do to convince them!

    Anonymous: I believe this definitely counts as a VERY VERY special occasion!

    Christiane: Great idea! Any RAs reading this?

  18. An instrument skull! I need to see that! Our band includes saxes (alto, tenor, baritone), trombones, trumpets, drums, electric bass and keyboards. That would make an awesome skull - and it would be great to meet you too! Let me know if you're ever out this way.

  19. For your building skull maybe you should check out the blinkenlights project.

  20. Definitely Kate!
    Good tip Toidinamai!
