Wednesday, January 2, 2008

213. Floppy Skull v2.0

5.25 Inch Floppy Cut with Xacto (5.25 in x 5.25 in). Still working my way through outdated media types (thanks again to Kim in Australia for sending me the floppies!). What formats have I missed?


  1. Zip disks. Good luck with that one ;-)

  2. It would be cool if you could make a music skull, on a staff or (for bonus points) on an actual music scroll.
    It would be interesting to hear what it sounded like.

    The paper punch card and view masters look cool too.

  3. it looks like he is wearing a monocle! hehehe

    you should try to get ahold of one of those punch-card thingies they used to use for computers...dammit, i can't remember what they were called...

  4. 8 track cassette!
    (or did you used it already and I missed it?)

  5. I was gonna suggest the 8 track.... how about using old tape reels, or a betamax tape?

  6. With a punch card you could kill 2 birds with one stone. The actual card and the leftover punched pieces :)

  7. Ditto on the punch cards. My grandma used to make Christmas wreaths out of them.

    Viewmaster skull would also be cool, especially if it was still functional.

  8. The Skull looks like it has a tear, I love it! Have you thought of using a VHS tape...or BETA? What about an old VCR or something along that line?

  9. Please don't sacrifice an 8 track, yea I'm old!

  10. Thanks for the suggestions! I'd love to get my hands on some punch cards, anyone have some they'd be willing to share?

    And I'll definitely be thrift store hunting for some of the others! I must admit I'd never even heard of a music scroll before, very cool!

  11. You said that you were use them in your other posting.
    I know it says Skull a day, I made a bracelet with several skulls stuck on it. Don't know if its acceptable.

    When I can get an image I'll email the image to you.

    Don't use floppy disks anymore, you know all those spam mail with CDs which come with magazines or throught the post. Try doing something with them. I was told altering them was a waste, that someone doesn't know art if it hits them in the face.

  12. 3 M SuperDrive?
    Let me know if you need one, I know someone who can hook you up.

  13. You should do a punch card skull!

  14. chimerastone: Noah has already done CDs and junk mail. :D

    Noah: excellent! I'm glad you were able to use the "mini" floppies. And you may not believe it, but I *may* be able to get my hands on punch cards. I remember they were quite outdated even when I was very little, but they sure did make for great confetti!

  15. Debra Kay: I'm not sure what a 3M SuperDrive is, but I'm up for the challenge! E-mail me for the mailing address. Thanks!

    Kim: I'm impressed at your access to outdated media!
