Thursday, January 10, 2008

221. Lino Skull #2

Linocut Print (8in x 10in). This one is honor of my friend Elin who started her own "A Day" project on January 1st, making relief prints, be sure to check it out!


  1. I really like this one. I could definitely see this printed on linen and framed. Your talent never ceases to amaze me.

  2. This one is very cool and it reminded me of Art Class in Goochland High-School (not to name it) and our art teacher Ms. Bachman (not to name her), who had us made lot of stuff like that with lino.

  3. Damnit, I thought that said "Leno" skull. I was hoping to see the bone structure of that famous chin. Instead I get a perfectly adequate skull. I'd say "Bravo" were I not still somewhat disappointed.

  4. Simple but effective. I have done lino printing before that was years ago. Nowadays I carve erasers instead because it's so much hassle to prepare the ink.
