Sunday, January 27, 2008

238. Laser Skull

Laser Pointer on Building (approx. 2m x 2m). This was the last of 60 attempts and by far the best. Exposure was between 20-30 seconds at f/5.0 ISO 200.


  1. Now I know how they make those cell phone commercials. Awesome work for having to be so quick.

  2. i love skulls
    and i love laser pointers
    therefore i love this skull the most

  3. Meow C said:

    The reason it took sixty tries is because all the neighborhood cats kept jumping at the dot and ruining the shot.

  4. Am I correct in thinking that you and I did something like this with flashlights once?

  5. Jessica: Actually it was sparklers! Though the experience was completely different. It was much easier drawing it in front of my own body, than projecting it onto a surface.

  6. citizen, I don't know what Meow C told you, but I was no where near there!

    This does explain why I feel compelled to run up on stage at concerts, though.

  7. Never thought about using a laser pointer to draw in photos. Nice work
