Sunday, February 17, 2008

259. Sand Painting Skull

Arranged black and white sand (7in [18cm] x 12in [30.5cm]).

Here's a picture of it on my work table to give you a sense of scale...


  1. That is pretty fraakin' cool! Did you spray mount it or coat it to keep it in place when you were done?

  2. Thanks! No, it's purely temporary. I'm just waiting for a kid to come by and dance on it!

  3. is it wrong that I really wanna turn on the fan on your desk :P

  4. Did you make the sand black yourself? I remember doing salt art as a kid -- we would get a heap of salt, and do different coloured batches by rubbing chalk into the salt. Then our medium was ready to be strewn across a footpath or similar. It was fun -- good times.

  5. Kim: I found the colored sand at a craft store, which is pretty much why I was inspired to make this one!

  6. Oh that's so funny, I didn't notice the fan until I read the comment from dh. This skull is so excellent. Who would know it was a sand "drawing."

  7. Buddha C said:

    The tension of the picture is just too much. That fan, a possible cat's litter box, I can go on.

    So when are you going to have a ceremony to dump it in the James River so that skull-a-day can travel into the Ocean and finally to the world?

  8. absolutely terrific!!!
    seems similar to pastel powder technic!
