Tuesday, April 1, 2008

303. A Skull of Letters

Arranged Vintage Ceramic Letters (14in x 10in [35.5cm x 25.5cm]). My dad lent me these lovely old sign letters to use for a client project and I couldn't resist using them for this project as well!

P.S. Thanks for being good sports about my little April Fools joke today! Sorry I don't have an actual mug skull for you (maybe later). And don't worry it's back to skull-business as usual from now on.


  1. I wonder if Sesame Street would ever consider using this? Yeah right!

    "Elmo likes to look at your skull!"

  2. One of the other blogs I read did the same kind of April Fool's joke! It was something about Burger King offering 'left-handed burgers'. LOL

    Hmmm... maybe a burger skull would be cool! Mmmmm.... ground sirloin.... :D

  3. My friends and I have been playing BOGGLE with this one. FUn.

  4. Wow! I love, love, love this skull!!!
