Friday, April 11, 2008

313. Etch-A-Skull

Etch-A-Sketch Illustration. First attempt, drawn from life (though I guess that term is a bit ironic when talking about a skull, eh?). Yet another favorite childhood toy, my old one was used until it was destroyed, so I had to buy a new one for this (and was happy to discover they're exactly the same as I remember). I hadn't touched one in years, but the knob skills came back surprisingly quickly. Are these popular outside of the US?


  1. That is the most amazing etch-a-sketch drawing I have ever seen!!!

  2. Oh yeah! They're known in the wilds of Canada too. I always found them really hard to work with. That's an amazing job you did!

  3. Back in Sweden I also had one of them, as a kid. After some years I smashed it to bits, just to see what was inside. Very intresting stuff there, my mother had to clean up the mess.
    Cool drawing, by the way.

  4. This is awesome. I've only ever been able to make boxes and jagged lines with that damn toy.

  5. we had one back in the seventies. though, i don't know, if you could buy them in switzerland back then or if it was a present from someone who had been to the states.

  6. PLEASE tell me you recorded this so that you can put it to the MISFITS "skulls" at time lapse speed. PRETTY PLEASE!

  7. Wonderful, amazing, brilliant, awesome!

  8. that's very cool.

    We have them here in the UK too. I always wanted one when I was a kid but alas, had to settle for a magnadoodle.

  9. now I know why you were so damn tired last night

  10. This is one of my favorites since I started visiting your blog about two months ago.

  11. this might be the most impressive skull yet...
    i think you should redo it filming the whole thing... it would make an amazing video...

  12. amazing!
    know it must have taken a million years!

    mucho mucho skill!

  13. Wow! The best thing I could ever draw was a set of stairs. This rocks!

  14. Excellent. How long did this take to complete?

  15. holy crap. this is reeeeeeeeeeeally good.

  16. Thanks everyone. It took around two hours, which was happily shorter than I expected!
    And sorry, I didn't film it, maybe next time...

  17. That looks so awesome! I think I may have played with one of these once or twice as a child, but I never owned one (despite Canadian grandparents who loved giving me toys). Not sure what the prevalence status in Australia is, sorry... :P
