Wednesday, April 23, 2008

325. Tile Skull

Arranged Ceramic Tiles (22in x 28in [56cm x 71cm]). I found these lovely odd shaped tiles at a local store that sells salvaged building supplies to support Habitat for Humanity.


  1. Ah, lovely oddly shaped tiles for a lovely oddly shaped skull. If only it weren't the end of the year. This would be yet another great Tee.

  2. when i was little, my family moved down to Mississippi, and both houses we lived in here originally had tiles shaped like those ones in the bathrooms. i used to find images in their faux marble finishes, kind of like finding things in clouds.

    ...but in the bathroom.

  3. I just tiled this like a checkerboard in photoshop, and it makes a great background image :)

  4. all i can say is, "aw.. shucks!"
    ..what a cutie :) love the tiles, and rock on for buying them where you did! ::raises fist::

  5. hee! our house has this tile in both bathrooms (one is even harvest gold!) and the front entryway. It also used to be in the kitchen, but when we renovated we opted not to go with harvest gold.

  6. Nice work. Now I want to tile my bathroom in that pattern. Plus, the Habitat "Restore" is a good place to support. We have one here in Kalamazoo also.

  7. Those tiles are very cute. I like the simplicity of this skull.
