Friday, May 2, 2008

334. (Dies With The Most) Toys Skull

Arranged Toys (25in x 20in [64cm x 51cm]). Thanks to my friend Kori who lent me a box of toys from the 80's she found while cleaning out her mother's house. I had several flashbacks to childhood as I dug through and discovered many of the same things my sister and I played with back then. Recognize anything?


  1. $25,000 C Said:

    Little people, plastic soldier, cars, smurfs....

    Things that little children choke on and die!


  2. This one is reeeeeeeaaaaaaalllllllly cool!

  3. I had that Ernie finger puppet. I recently thought about getting one off ebay since Ernie is a favorite of my son now.

    This is a fun entry ;-) Reminds me of Larry Fuente's Game Fish at the Renwick, if you've been there.

  4. we have been looking for the FP little person with the pot on his head lately.

  5. did you call the little people with peg-like bodies and round heads 'people' or was that just my family?

  6. I see a M.U.S.C.L.E character in the mix. I used to love those little dudes!!!

  7. I used to have that exact same light blue matchbox car with the hood that opens up! It was my favorite of all the matchbox cars my brother had!

  8. Heh. Smurfs. I don't know who should be more embarrassed - you for using them in a skull or your friend for admitting to ever owning any :p

  9. so fun!

    I wanna play!

    and smurfs are awesome!!

    la la la la la la....

  10. There are quite a few Fisher Price people in the mix, plastic army men and Hot Wheels!
    My son had over 50 Hot Wheels when he was younger.
    That's a cool idea.

  11. Yet another classic skull! Maybe a "Monkeys In A Barrel" skull will be in order for Skull-A-Day 2.0. Anyone?

  12. another mag cover shot! chinas toxic toy industry?

  13. We still have the smurfs somewhere. We totally had those plastic indian figures at the bottom of the skull.

  14. Oooh, Hamilton hits one over the fence! Fantastic idea.

    Tatman, I'll second the notion. More fun than a barrel o' skullies!

  15. You'd think, by now, with over 300 skulls to date, the project would be running out of steam. You'd think all your best ideas would've gotten used up in the first couple months, and by now you'd just be phoning it in.

    You'd think that, and you'd be wrong.

    This is my favorite skull so far. The juxtaposition of the beginning stages of life as signified by the toys; and the ending stages of life illustrated by the accepted societal icon of death is just downright beautiful.

    The other day I was at Home Depot getting something decidedly boring and grown-up, and they had a bin of those throw-rugs with cartoony little roads to play with matchbox cars on. Sometimes it's downright painful how much I miss childhood. Sure, I could've bought the rug and dug out some old matchbox cars from somewhere - but it wouldn't be the same now.

  16. Hot Wheels Stutz Chrysler at lower left: where have you been all these years, dearest car! I miss you so!
