Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Foot Impression Skull

Laura Gosnell discovered this sneaky simulacra on her foot! She says, "I was given a pair of new boots, and after wearing them on a long walk to try to break them in, this image was on the top of my foot (if you look closely, you can see a very angry skull). I thought it might be a neat secret thing that the boots were designed with, but it appears to be purely coincidental." I know you guys sometimes have a hard time with the subtle ones, but I definitely see it, do you?


  1. found it...

    ...submission guidelines §11: "Do NOT hurt any animals (or people!) to obtain a skull!"...

    ...just kidding...

  2. ...or in the words of Nancy Sinatra:

    these boots are made for skulking...

  3. Whoa! Maybe it's a sign that your boots are possessed. Either that or your foot is...

  4. Yay! This is the most exciting day of my whole week/month! I've been checking every day to see if my foot made it... Thanks!

    (I think maybe the boot is possessed. It does this, irrespective of the socks worn between it and the foot.)
