Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Just 5 Words!

So I'm heading up to NYC soon to go to the Webby Awards (thanks again!) and if you didn't know, part of the deal is that I get to make an acceptance speech, but it can only be five words long! I've got some idea of what I'll say, but I'd love to hear what you would say. Post your five word speech as a comment, and who knows if it's better than what I have in mind maybe I'll use it!


  1. Ess, Kay, You, Ell, Ell.
    maybe you can just make a hand skull, or bow to reveal a skull hat or something?

  2. How about, "You're right. I am amazing."

    Sure it might seem egotistical, but just let them know that I suggested it.

  3. Web celebrity is like fire.

  4. Every day is Skull Day!

  5. Obviously, life's short. Dig it.

    In death, find life. thanks.

    think before acting on whim. :)

  6. My kingdom for a skull!!!

  7. Everyone has a skull. Thanks!

  8. Skulls

  9. Five words? Are you kidding?

  10. "It ain't easy being famous/fantastic/cool/superb/inspring/creative/skully..."

    "Can't be done without fans/fun/skills/talent"

    and another obvious one (Chuck's is also a nice one)

    "skull a day dot com"

  11. "Sure, I'll do another year"

  12. Thank You ... And I'm Out!

  13. Skull bone's connected to the...

    (hold for applause, tears)

  14. Diolch yn fawr i chi!

    (Let me know if you need a pronunciation guide...)

  15. >"This is my acceptance speech."

    :D go for it!

  16. Thanks for the fucking award!

    Enough said. I know it's raw, but it's to the point, just like a lot of the skull a day images. Simple yet complex in meaning.

    Congrats again. I hope you enjoy your trip and the ceremony. Flash the skull tat!

  17. My friend Charlie is awesome....

    Wait, this isn't about me?


    In that case:

    "It's all about me, thanks."

  18. Wow, so many great options! Keep 'em coming.

    Jessica: I'm dyin' to know how to pronounce that AND what it means!

  19. You liked it? For reals?

  20. Speech Writer C Said:

    My favorite so far:
    "next...League of Space Pirates"

    I do like the "next up Kitten a day" but I am afraid you will disappoint a lot of people when you don't do it. However if you decide to do it I will get another mask ready.

    My suggestions are:

    1) So what! I like skulls.
    2) Thank skull it's over.
    3) What? No over-sized novelty check?
    4) It's just a popularity contest.
    5) Look at my sign. (Then pull out a sign with a bunch of stuff written on it.)
    6) Anyone out there like skulls? (then raise your hand)
    7) No skulls were ever harmed.
    8) Buy Recycled, Free-Range,Organic,Fair-Trade.
    9) Award Winning Blog for sale.
    10) C stay off my property.
    11) Still Noah from the block.

  21. You could go all humble and say, "Skulls aren't really that hard."

    You could go all Magritte and hold up a picture of a skull, and say, "This is not a skull"--or "Ceci n'est pas un crâne," if you want to be a little more French with it.

    Maybe simple is best: "Thanks, guys. No really. Thanks."

  22. Just in case this becomes a voting contest, i second:

    "Ess, Kay, You, Ell, Ell."
    "Everyone has a skull. Thanks!"
    "You liked it? For reals?"
    "Alas, poor Yorick. Thank you!"
    and Citizen C.'s #'s 1, 5 & 9.

    Or maybe:
    "Take my skull... please! Thanks."
    "Anyone got a crossbones blog?"

    Good luck, Noah! Are there any logs of old acceptance speeches (er, phrases) lying around? I'm curious how often people manage to fit in the "thank you"s, with such a tiny word allowance.

  23. Skull A Day thanks you!

    I wrote something... DAMN IT!
    (smack forehead with palm of hand and walk off stage)

  24. "Skulls are people to. Thanks!"
    "Save Skulladay, send me yours!"
    "Hey, this isn't a skull?"

    and I really like

    Now...League of Space Pirates.

    But I'd put it as:

    "Next..League of Space Pirates."

    I want to know what jessica's mean's too. Sounds cool. Have fun Noah. You deserve it.
