Sunday, June 29, 2008

Skull-A-Day 2.0: Update

Hey folks, as we near the end of the first month of Skull-A-Day 2.0 I thought I'd check in with you all and give you an update of things here at Skull Central. I've received nearly 200 submissions for 2.0, since I started asking for them in mid-April! I thought it might slow down, but right now I'm still getting an average of 3-4 submissions every day! As long as they follow the rules and are in focus(!) I generally post everything I get, which has led to a problem...I've got nearly enough for half a year already and the ones I'm receiving today won't get posted for many months! I'm trying to decide how to remedy this situation (be more picky about posting, post more a day, have jumbo posts on the weekends), but I'm not sure what to do. I'm open to suggestions here, so feel free to let me know what you'd prefer to see.

Thanks again for all of your support. I'll be posting some updates of old skulls and letting you know about book news as it comes so keep checking back and telling your friends about the site!


  1. I like the idea of a large post on the weekends.

    How about pairing posts around themes; a couple found skulls in a post instead of just one, a collection of veggie skulls, etc. Make it a skull double feature.

  2. I'm not a big fan of those huge posts, I usually tend to skip over what's in them. Skulls are better when they get a chance to be in the picture for one day.

    Since this is Skull 2.0, how about letting your visitors help decide on which ones to put on the front page? You could add some sort of a community driven voting system to aid in making your decision.

    And thanks for continuing SkullADay 1.0 with 2.0. It's still great to get a daily dose of skulls.

  3. If you're going to have large posts, I think at the least (so that it's not just skipped over, like anthony said, because I tend to do the same thing with huge posts), it should be themed. So, "fabric", "nature", "edibles", etc. instead of just a grab-bag of mixed skull images.

  4. i agree with anthony
    large posts are really skipable, plus design wise they muck up your page

    i think you should be more picky
    better content is always better than more content

    some of the ones you have posted since 2.0 are a bit suspect to me

    i suggest posting just the ones that are really creative and/or done with this page in mind

    the found skulls are not that exciting to me unless they are REALLY good, also if you post every drawing or tattoo someone does of a skull this site will go down hill very fast IMO

    just post the one that dont make the cut on flickr...

  5. I agree with Igor. I'd be very pleased if you considered yourself the curator of Skull-A-Day, and give us the ones that you in your creative superiority deem worthy of this site that you worked so hard on.

  6. If you are looking for a way to get a lot of submissions posted at once then I like the idea of a themed large weekend post. Otherwise you should still use your best judgment on what you'd like to post daily. The skulls that are created are better than the found ones, but those can be pretty cool also. Maybe 2-3 a day would be cool too, especially if they were themed. Keep up the great work, and thanks for giving your viewers a say.

  7. I don't mind if you have huge posts. I do agree that themed posts are a good idea. Perhaps a submission gallery separate from the blog, and only "Curator's Choice" are featured daily. So all submissions are shown, so everyone feels special... and a small chosen few (365) are "skulltastic."

  8. I agree with mostly everybody. I like the idea of weekend bone-anza! Themed would be nice. I also agree that something that is created by someone is better than a found skull, unless they are REALLY good. I also like the idea of a viewers gallery, but then you run the risk of a whole lot of crap being downloaded onto your wonderful site. So that might have to be done by you as well. A few posts a day is ideal. But isn't it great that we all love SkullaDay so much that we're trying to keep it alive through 2.0!

  9. Posting a bit more on the weekend seems okay to me.

  10. I agree with Tatman.

    In addition:
    If the created-to-found-ratio is roughly equal, you could post a pair of those everyday.

    The suggested submission gallery reminds me of the braincases in skull 1.0, so that seems to fit in very good.

  11. my suggestion -- get a few of the more active posters to help you, turn this into a community blog (ala boingboing) and have them post whenever they think a skull is worthy of being posted (up to a few a day).

  12. i'm not a fan of the huge posts, i mostly skip over them as well. i think you should just pick the best ones, your favorites, maybe the most unusual and unlikely skulls

  13. I think you should be more selective, posting the most interesting skulls. This way, people will be happier when they see the skulls published. Something more like "wow! my skull is on skull-a-day!" then "I'll just send this lame skull. he'll publish anyway."
