Thursday, June 26, 2008

Veggie Skull winner #3

Congratulations to Marcela Roberts from Dallas, Texas who is the third winner in the Veggie Skull contest! She carved this cute "Tomato of the Dead" (which I realize is technically a fruit, but what the heck, it's still a great piece)...


  1. Wow! What great detail for such a soft surface. Good work.

  2. Great! Like tatman said, the detail is awesome. My favorite veggie skull for now, by far.

  3. I've always hated the fruit/veg arguement. Wikipedia says it best:

    "Though it is botanically a berry, a subset of fruit, the tomato is nutritionally categorized as a vegetable (see below). Since "vegetable" is not a botanical term, there is no contradiction in a plant part being a fruit botanically while still being considered a vegetable."

  4. Thank goodness for Wiki info. I love that sight and I love this tomato skull. I would never have thought of skulling a tomato. Good job!

  5. Fruits... veggies... I think it's arguable (thanks Tim for the wiki info!). I don't know why but as soon as the contest was posted up, I thought of a tomato. I had the fruit vs. veggie arguement with myself and said, "What the heck... it's a skull. If it's going to get appreciated anywhere, it will be here." Thanks guys! It was made for you!

  6. Great work, especially (as others mentioned) for such a soft surface. I thought maybe it was a statement about the recent salmonella problem with tomatoes.

  7. wow, a soft skull! fantastic work!
