Friday, August 22, 2008

Smoking Skulls

Stephan Gross showed off his awesome sculptures "The Doomies", indoor garden gnomes, which emit smoke when incense is burned inside of them...

See them in action here...


  1. These are a lot of fun. Your whole site is a unique and creative idea. Very nicely done ;)

  2. Anybody know what song was used in the video? Seems like what ever it was, it was played at half speed.

  3. Update: The song is by The Platters and is called "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" Not a good endorsement of said incense burner if the "smoke gets in your eyes" Just kidding love the juxtaposition of the art and the lyrics, Great Stuff!

  4. The is "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" slowed down. A lot.
    Not sure which version, there have been many. I'm thinking the Ink Spots.
