Saturday, September 6, 2008

Cupcake Skulls

Illustrator Andi Butler made these awesome custom chocolate skull topped cupcakes for her friend's daughter's 11th birthday! I asked her to explain how the chocolate skulls were made: "I pipe them out onto parchment freehand: outline first, then lil pupils, then maybe the glasses, then the white, pink is last...Each color has to set up before you can apply the next one...The bones, same thing, outline, but then the polka dots, then it gets filled in...You're actually working the design in the reverse... I flip them over (so the flat side is up) and there you go! Sometimes the results are happily unexpected!"


  1. OMG, these are SOOO cute!! Love the skulls with the glasses!

  2. I wrote a poem about these cupcakes a long time ago! Before I knew they existed. I love them.

  3. I had to read the process a second time before I got it. ah hah! I get it, though I don't think I could do such a good job.

  4. These r the greatest cupcakes on the PLANET!!

  5. Wow! These are excellent. I love the ones with the glasses too!

  6. Aww, thanks so much for posting my cuppies!
