Monday, September 29, 2008


Hey Facebook users, there's a new Skull-A-Day application for you called Send-A-Skull! It allows you to send one of 16 different skulls from the project to your friends as a gift. Check it out by logging into Facebook first and then going HERE.

And of course don't forget add yourself as a fan of the project while you're at it!


  1. Uh-oh - the Facebook links don't work - Facebook says no such page found. I'll try again later (although I want them NOW!).

  2. Looks like you need to be logged in to Facebook first and then you can see that page!

  3. This may just be what finally forces me to start a Facebook account.

  4. it's addictive. i think i've "skulled" about 50 people.

  5. Excellent, I especially like that all of the skulls are unlocked to start with (none of this viral nonsense, where you have to spam n of your friends just to access the pics you like).

    The pumpkin skull is so appropriate for Halloween!
