Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Papercraft Contest Winners!

Congratulations to the five winners of the SKULLS Papercraft Contest!...
  • Brad
  • Keith
  • Mike
  • Melissa
  • KamilaRodz
To keep it truly random all of the names were printed out, folded up and placed into a bowl and the winners were drawn by a friend. Signed copies of SKULLS will be going out to them shortly.

Thanks again to everyone who participated! I'm so glad I didn't have to judge your work, there were just too many good ones to pick from, and not enough books to go around.

I've left up the blank template for folks to download (PDF), feel free to continue to send in your own versions of the Papercraft Skull, and I'll be glad to post them!


  1. Zomg! I can't believe I won a copy!! Thank you so much Noah! I can't wait to get my copy and make all my friends jealous! I think I'll be buying a few for my friends for x-mas this year. It'll be the one book to be displayed in my livingroom. Woot!

  2. Excellent job all around! I still want a signed one so I'll meet up with you somewhere. :)

  3. Thanks Noah! This is great, and the book will be in a prominent place on my coffee table.
    Can't wait to get it!
    Great work everybody!

  4. YEAHHHH!!!!
    I'm very very happy !
    Thank you so much !

  5. you could also have used random.org to pick your winner.

    I'm just sorry I didn't enter. Silly me.
