Wednesday, October 22, 2008

SKULLS events: Richmond, Virginia

Just a reminder that there are several upcoming SKULLS book signing events in Richmond, Virginia. If you're in the area I hope you'll stop by and say hi!

SKULLS Signing/Art Opening
Thursday, October 23rd - 7pm-9pm+
@ Chop Suey Tuey (independent bookstore)
2913 West Cary St. Richmond, VA 23221
I'll be signing books and showing a selection of prints from the Skull-A-Day project. Stick around for the after party at New York Deli across the street (where SKULLS will also be available for purchase/signing)!

SKULLS Signing
Saturday, October 25th - 6pm
@ Barnes and Noble Short Pump
11640 W. Broad St. Richmond, VA 23233

SKULLS Signing
Tuesday, October 28th - 4pm
@ Barnes and Noble VCU
1111 W. Broad St. Richmond, VA 23284

SKULLS Signing
Thursday, October 30th - 12:30pm
@ Fountain Books (independent bookstore)
1312 E. Cary St. Richmond, VA 23219
I'll have a few of my original pieces at this informal lunchtime event!

Right now these are the only other signing events I have scheduled. I will hopefully be able to do more events in November/December in other cities. If you have connections at (or own) a local bookstore or make decisions about lecturers for universities or business groups please get in touch!


  1. Boo, I'm out of town. If I could have come this weekend, I would have brought my ukulele to sing my skull song. Too bad :(

  2. are you coming to missouri / kansas, perchance? need some connections to do so? i could try.

  3. No specific plans, but I'm open to going anywhere if transportation is provided!
