Wednesday, December 10, 2008

[CONTEST UPDATE] Tattoo Submissions

John sent this sneaky hidden skull submission for the Tattoo Contest. It took me a little while to spot it, can you see it?...

Don't forget you've got just under two weeks to send in your own suggestions and have a chance to win some awesome prizes courtesy of the soon to be tattooed Katrina! And you don't have to be a tattoo artist to enter. Get all of the details HERE.


  1. I don't see it and I can't stare at it anymore. This is like those perception tests with the old hag and young beauty! Where's the skull??

  2. SPOILER ALERT: It's part of the shading at the bottom of the flower. A side view facing the bottom left corner.

  3. I saw it immediately...what does that say about me?? Have you seen the skull flask at Target? Very cool...

  4. I really like the subtle skull and old school look of this piece. Nicely done!

  5. WOW! That is so cool! Loving the entries, y'all! keep 'em coming!

    Katrina :o)

  6. I saw it immediately, too, so I also wondered what that said about me...and then decided what it said about me is that I am awesome :)

  7. God, I hope that no one is going to have this drawing permanently applied to their skin. Just remember, it's on there forever!

  8. Hey John! I have a prize for you! Shoot me an email at

    klfrye AT nc DOT rr DOT com
