Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Gummi Bear Skull

Emily Souleret, a sculpture student at the University of Richmond, made these fantastic pieces as part of an independent study! The first is just gummi bears and hot glue, the second is just hot glue!


  1. Oooh that hot glue skull is creepy. It would look killer with a red light in it or something. I'm not a fan of gummi bears, but I don't know a single kid who wouldn't eat that skull. BTW, if you want to know what a gummi bear skull looks like then check this out: Gummi Bear Skull

  2. Love the gummy bear "greys anatomy" style, Tatman.

    As for the hot glue skull. How? just how did she do that?

  3. Creepy cool! What a great site. So inspirational and creative. I'll be back for more.

  4. This is gorgeous ! congratulations Emily;)
