Sunday, March 8, 2009

[FLASHBACK] 89. Le Cat Skull...for Splinter

My good friend's cat Splinter passed away yesterday. He lived to the ripe old age of 22 and died peacefully in my friend's lap while his hands were on him. I frequently took care of Splinter and his cat siblings when his owners were away and I had a deep affection for him. He will be sorely missed. Since he was a mostly black cat I decided to rerun this cut paper image I created on August 31st, 2007 in his honor...

#89. Le Cat Skull


  1. So sorry to hear that. Sometimes I think our bonds with our animal friends are even stronger than those with our fellow humans...

    I still have that sign that says "Chat Lunatique" that you bought me in France back when we were living with Shiva on 11th Street...

  2. Creepy! I was just at that exact skull yesterday...

    R.I.P. Splinter
