Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Office Skull

TeratoMarty shared this excellent office decoration saying, "Last summer, I was randomly uprooted from my office and inserted into a cube farm at my job in Watertown, Massachusetts. I don't like anything about the cube, except for the blood-red wall. I recycled cover sheets from the printer to make the giant pixel art shown in the attachments- it's 14 feet high and 11 feet wide. The statisticians were frightened, the programmers thought it was hilarious, and human resources just didn't get it."

Amazingly TeratoMarty only recently encountered Skull-A-Day and didn't realize we had more in common than a love of skulls, but also an interest in office supplies, and pixels. See my own 8x8 skull made of Post-Its HERE.


  1. Excellent! So glad I have a real office. (Well, an old storage closet (not kidding) but it has a door! Another skull is lurking on the bookshelf.

  2. Nikoli, I envy you your office door. And indeed, I totally forgot that other skull was there... it's just part of the scenery, you know? It's a sort of Yankee calavera, a painted papier-mache skull with iconography from the old New England cemetery near my childhood home. Here is a better picture, next to a rag doll.

  3. Awesome! I'm glad that the "No Self Expression" police haven't forced their laws upon you. Nice work.

  4. So you've always got death over your shoulder. cool. =)
