Friday, April 17, 2009

Granny's Skull Dolls

Random Granny in Northampton, England makes and sells these happy looking skull dolls...

UPDATE 4/19: Just got this note from Random Granny AKA Nicola after I told her about the interest in buying her work..."OOOoooh how exciting! I am currently getting a website designed which shouldn't be too long now. I sell them locally at the Bicycle Basket Bazaar in Northampton, UK and they have proved very popular. I also have a range of other (slightly bizarre) things. I am more than happy to sell them via email in the meantime. I have another email dedicated for selling which is that I can be contacted on...You've made my day!!"


  1. I love these :) I want a family for the back window of my car! Does Granny do dogs too?

  2. My Granny never made skeletons. Great work!

  3. I'd also love to know if/how I can get one!

  4. So cute! Love it. :)

  5. no contact info? i really want to buy one

  6. Hello, I'm Random Granny. My website should be available soon but in the meantime if you would like to contact me, my email is Thanks for all of your lovely comments! xxx
