Thursday, April 23, 2009

Skull Fairy

Kim Agatha Quinola from the Philippines says, "I may be all-pink on the outside, but my taste for art, literature and music is of macabre and phantasmagoric things. A goth classmate of mine found out that I have a sticker of Grim from The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy on my pink notepad. She soon introduced me a to I write weird fairytales, and Boney is a grief fairy whose job is to make fairytale characters weep to advance the plot. She grants wishes to those who pine enough to satisfy her whimsy. She's also an apprentice of Death."...


  1. Neat! I see quite a few skulls in this, but my favorite is the subtle dress skull. Nice work.

  2. Great drawing and The Grief Fairy is a brilliant creation!
