Sunday, June 7, 2009

[BONUS] Gifts Fit For A Skull

I just had to share a few of the great skull-y art gifts I was given for my birthday this past week...

Artist Rob Tarbell made this incredible piece for me! It's part of his Struggles series of works made from old stuffed animals that have been infused with porcelain slip and fired. Many, like this one, wear a mask made from another stuffed animal's head, but so far this is the only one with a special skull face...

My godsister had an amazing airbrush artist at the beach make this special one-of-a-kind shirt for me in honor or my current project League of Space Pirates!...

And my friend Holden, who is nine, made this terrific custom Lego skull for me!...


  1. I'm always amazed by airbrushing, it looks way too polished to be done freehand.

    Which reminds me... Noah, didn't you do an airbrushed skull? I can't find it, but I can picture it. Help?


  3. Nope, never did airbrush Kim. I considered it, but figured it was way beyond my ability to learn/do in just one day, having never done it before.

  4. Maybe if Kim describes what she is thinking of then maybe the S-A-D historians can help find it.

  5. I found it! I was thinking of 282. Pinstripe Skull; perhaps because this technique is also a really polished looking freehand artwork often done on cars?

    PS. Hot damn it was great going through the archives! I feel so inspired!

  6. Ah! Always glad to inspire. Plus expect to see a new version of that skull in the near future since it will be part of my upcoming exhibition!

  7. That plus thing looks like a cake to me. It makes me want cake. Also that lego skull is awesome, that is a gifted brickster right there, I hope he keeps at it.
