Saturday, June 13, 2009

Lots O' Skulls

Richard Page presents us with another of his great skull creations. This painting is a boxed canvas painted with acrylic, Posca, and spray paint. Rich says: "There's plenty more skulls and monsters to see over on my blog and flickr feed, and also the occasional custom resin toy."

Tatman the tattoo fan says: I highly recommend Rich's stuff. I noticed in Rich's blog that he is picking up the tattoo machine as well. You're striking a chord with me, Rich. If your tats look as good as your other works then you should be very successful. Keep up the great work, and keep the skulls coming. Ever thought of sketching a skull flag? Maybe for a certain contest that ends June 30th? There's a great prize involved!


  1. wow nice - i love Richards characters.

  2. Wow!! what a great piece. I am so glad you shared it... right up my alley.

  3. Cheers guys, great to know you dig my work.

    Deffo gotta enter the comp.

    The tattooing is coming on well - anyone in the UK looking for some free ink, let me know.

  4. If you visit Rich's blog then look for his "Boney Skull" also. Great stuff!

  5. Free?!?! If I was on your side of the pond I'd be there.
