Monday, June 29, 2009

Stepping Skulls

Daryle Dickens writes: "Greetings: I made these two stepping stone skulls out of concrete..."

A close up
Olmsted C says:

21st century artists make sure you check out Daryle's blog. Thanks for submitting your work. I like these very much. It looks as if you may have some Poison Ivy on the fence in the back, having these skulls where they are, makes me feel that you are communicating danger in the area. The sense of danger is further demonstrated by the exploded flower pot. You never know when those things will go off. Watch out!


  1. I'll refrain from any and all stepping stone song references.

    I like the strange "alien" look to them. The red eyed one has a crack. Maybe that's what happens to their eyes once they die?

    Did you use a mold for these, Daryle? What did you use to make said mold? Nice work.

  2. Cool, now I know what to do with my extra bag of quickcrete

  3. Yes I did use a mold for them. Wood was used for the base with sheet metal wrapped around the side for the edge.

    I am getting ready to create a new mold to update and improve the design a bit. I could create a little "how-to" instructions to go along with it and pass it along to the skull-a-day community.

    Thanks a lot for posting these. Most of my art is skull related so it is great to be a part of this site. (though the link's code embedded in my name needs to be corrected.)

  4. That would be great to have a "How To" on the mold design, Daryle. We would be sure to share it with the Skull-A-Day community so as to liven/deaden gardens everywhere. If the links are wrong then please email us the current links to the submission address and we'll get them fixed. Thanks.

  5. Misprint C said:

    Sorry about that. Link is corrected.

    Looking forward to seeing the directions.
