Monday, July 6, 2009

Skull-A-Day Press: Richmond Times-Dispatch

Nice article in this weekend's Richmond Times-Dispatch about Skull-A-Day and After Life. Read the full article HERE.

Richmond Times-Dispatch


  1. i live in richmond and rarely even skim thru the sunday paper... i happened to be slacking at work and picked up the flair section.. i saw the huge spread they did on skull-a-day and i freaked out!! i was telling everyone about you.. i had heard about it back when you were on martha stewart.. again.. i don't watch much tv at all, but amazingly i channel surfed right into your segment.. hmmmm... maybe its fate!! i will be checking out your skulls at the quirk gallery here in richmond!! skull on!!!

  2. I'm glad you discovered the article (and MS segment) and will be checking out the show! Hopefully I can meet you at one of the upcoming events at Quirk. You can get the details HERE.
