Saturday, September 26, 2009

[BONUS] 370. Where The Sidewalk Skull Ends

Some of the sidewalks in downtown Petersburg, Virginia are badly in need of repair and when the city said it didn't have the budget to fix them up for a few years, local residents decided to take matters into their own hands. With the city's permission the Art Underfoot project was initiated. The sidewalk on the 200 block of N. Sycamore St. was divided into 50 rectangles and area artists were asked to submit proposals for murals to go in the spaces. Of course when I was contacted I offered to paint a skull and surprisingly was given the green light. I chose to work with just black paint using the sidewalk itself as the base color...

Acrylic on Cement (approx 4ft x 5 ft).

The project will be officially unveiled at Friday for the Arts on October 9th, followed by a Street Art Fair on Saturday, October 10th from noon until 4pm. And the work will be on display until the city replaces the sidewalks or the images fade away.

Here are a couple other pics to give you some context...

p.s. The white rectangle above my piece is actually reserved for students from a school for troubled kids! I have a feeling they'll like what I did. I look forward to seeing what they come up with.


  1. wow - very very cool! I love playing with sidewalk chalk - I wonder what my town house peeps would say if I painted the sidewalk!

  2. What a great idea and you did an awesome job. No signature required for this piece I see, besides, I'm sure they'll know who created it

  3. How totally cool. Plus it's a great name for the project. I hope the bonus skulls never end.

  4. Great job on that, Noah. Looks like a lot of fun.

  5. Love it! And the photo you took of Phil with the mechanical wings, too. Sorry I missed lunch with you two. How often is it that you get to the 'Burg? We have to work on that :)
