Thursday, October 22, 2009

[BONUS] 371. Logo Skull

After reading a recent post on forensic reconstruction of famous skulls of fiction and being reminded of a couple of great skeletal interpretations of comic characters, I thought it might be fun to uncover the skulls in some famous logos. Here's my take on the classic PBS logo (no disrespect is meant here, I'm actually a big fan!)...

I'd love to see some other logos taken to their graves. Anyone up for the challenge? Submit your skullified-logos and we'll share them on the site!

p.s. Goodwill has actually done this to their own logo already!


  1. That's too cool. I gotta try to find one that I can do. Thanks for the inspiration.

  2. Hilarious, thank you! I'm a designer at PBS, I may use this tomorrow for my desktop.

    I should post the Jolly Roger version I worked up as a flag for TLAPD.

    Thank you again!

  3. Thanks Mr. Mendleson! Enjoy and feel free to use to your heart's content!
