Sunday, November 15, 2009

Ides of Skull Fanatic: Abby Davis

It has been a couple of months since we last did this, but it being the 15th of the month it is time to feature another fanatic who makes Skull-A-Day so special for all of us. Sit back, grab your favorite soothsayer and enjoy a part of Skull-A-Day that even Caesar himself would not be fearful of.

This month’s fanatic is Abby Davis from Richmond, Virginia.

She wote: “I've always been a fan of the macabre since I was a small child. I can thank my mom for that appreciation. My personal collection of skulls includes influnces from Mexican Dia de los Muertos (day of the dead), mesoamerican crystal skulls, and pirate skull and cross bones motifs. Most of my collection is fashion related. I have lots of clothing, jewelry, purses and scarfs adorned with skulls. Some of them I have made myself. My artwork is mostly influenced by Dia de los Muertos. I have no hispanic heritage, but the basis of the holiday is wonderful. Respecting and honoring the dead is something we all should celebrate. I love the colorful and intricate designs of the sugar skulls, calaveras and Catrinas. This fascination is something that I will pass down to my daughter and future generations. I find beauty in many things that others would not see as beautiful, skulls are just one of those things.”

Mantle C says:

Thank you for being part of the Skull-A-Day tribe. It is always wonderful to see what inspires each of us daily. Ms. Davis has been a frequent commenter on the sight and has even contributed to the project here. If you get a chance make sure you also check out her Etsy shop for more skull inspired designs.

Are you a certified/certifiable Skull Fanatic? If so, send an image or two, maybe a video of your personal skull/skeleton collection and tell us a bit about what makes you so crazy for skulls, how many skulls you may own, or whatever else you think is pertinent!


  1. You do such wonderful work, Abby. Keep up the skullerific stylings and PLEASE pass it on to the next generation.

  2. Great to see Abby here! She's definitely is a certified Skull Fanatic!

  3. Thanks guys, I enjoy getting to talk to you all.
