Sunday, November 1, 2009

Skull-A-Day on Tour: Philly Recap

I spent Halloween weekend in Philadelphia taking part in the Day of The Dead event put on by the fantastic folks at the Mütter Museum...

This is the second year of this annual event and I was asked to be the keynote speaker. In addition I did a book signing...

and my Papercraft Skull was included in the craft-making portion of the day...

As a bonus a small selection of my original Skulls were put on display...

And my Skull Chair also made an appearance in their ofrenda that was set up for just the day...

I also got a personal tour of their amazing collection of medical oddities (including more skulls than I could count) by curator Anna Dhody, who was the person who actually brought me to the event...
It was a great conclusion to my intense month of touring and a perfect way to celebrate Halloween and Dia de Los Muertos. Thanks again to everyone at the Mütter for their hospitality! If you haven't been to the museum yet, do yourself a favor and go the next time you're in Philly, it truly is a skull-lovers paradise!

p.s. I also filmed an interview with the museum director Dr. Robert Hicks for his program "No Bones About It" while I was there, so expect to see that as soon as it's online.


  1. Oh wow - I have to go next year! I've been dying to go to that museum for years (no pun intended but if I had a medical oddity, I would give them my corpse:)

  2. next year!

    thanks for the turn-on



  3. that is all very exciting. That museum is very creepy. I lived in Philly for 2 years and never went until last year when I went with my best friend. I love the paper craft skull. It's like a little sculpture.
