Thursday, December 24, 2009

Heavy Metal Skull

Jeff Thorsgaard of North Dakota has set the mark of achievement in the trailer hitch cover/plug world. Jeff tells us, "It is life-sized, and has a barbed-wire "Crown-of-thorns"...we call it "King of Pain" It is a receiver hitch cover/plug. A heavy one! 21 pounds!"

I really dig this one for three reasons. It's a skull, it's a truck accessory, and it is literally HEAVY METAL!(how many of you were fooled by the title?) Plus, if someone were to rear end him then they would have a skull imprint on their bumper. Awesome work, Jeff!


  1. I love it! I could see someone trying to explain the face shaped dent to the insurance company.

  2. "Seriously, I did NOT hit a person!"

  3. He was dead BEFORE the accident...

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. That was over six years ago...God, I miss doing cool stuff like that!
