Friday, January 22, 2010

Pair of Painted Skulls

We finish the work week with a pair of paintings by Tattoo artist Jordana Hawen from New Orleans, Louisiana.


“Mariposa de las animas”

C. Stardust says:

I enjoy the use of clean lines, bright colors, and the sparkly enhancements that you bring to your pieces. As I looked at your work I was reminded of the Skullmaster’s 14. Cutest Skull...Ever! it is probably the well defined heart shape noses. Your “Mariposa de las animas” piece also reminded me of the story about the butterflies that was shared here. Thank you for sharing your work with us.

Looks like this week, I managed a Threepete. It was a great week of showing off tattoo artists not working with their regular tools. Thank you all, and once again thanks to all of our readers who make everyday a Skull-A-Day.

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