Thursday, February 25, 2010

And the Clooci Skull Headphones winners are...

Congratulations to M and John who were the two randomly selected winners of the Clooci Skull Headphones giveaway!

Thanks again to everyone for participating and creating such an incredible reading list with your suggestions. I love that Skull-A-Day fans are as into books as I am!

And hey, even if you didn't win you can still buy a pair of Clooci's nifty headphones HERE.

Stay tuned for more giveaways soon!


  1. Is that your Chrysler 300M on Leigh Street with the skulls in the rear window?

  2. Ha, nope that's not mine! I guess there are some fellow skull-lovers in town!

  3. Dang, I wanted to high-5 the owner for making my day twice a week when I commute to Norfolk.
    Cheers to you anyway, your site gives this disorganized artist lots of ideas <3

  4. Always happy to know that my project is an inspiration!

  5. but which books did they choose?

  6. "Servant of the Bones by Anne Rice or Slaughterhouse 5 by Kurt Vonnegut" and "Spoon River Anthology by Edgar Lee Masters."
